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The Party You Have Called...

Writer's picture: Linda GastreichLinda Gastreich

I was pondering the best ways to communicate with younger generations, wondering why some text messages go unanswered. I asked a millennial to help me understand the reluctance to respond to messages, no matter the format. “We’ve just had too many ‘once-in-lifetime’ events happen in our lives. Sometimes, we can’t handle any more communication with the outside world.”

 I think the response was somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but there was truth in the answer. Think of Columbine and the many mass shootings since, 9/11, Katrina, climate change, the Great Recession, a pandemic, and more recently, an assassination attempt on a presidential candidate and the incumbent choosing the nearly unheard-of path of ending their reelection bid.

Those of us who are older might want to share our own lists of once-in-a-lifetime events we have witnessed. But I think it’s fair to say that the current daily news cycle seems different and often more alarming, as one historical happening follows close on the heels of another. 

Stress is hardly unique to any one generation, but Generation Z shows more signs of stress than other generations. A Gallup poll earlier this year said only fifteen percent of the generation born between 1997 and 2012 rate their mental health and well-being as excellent. Stress is a serious matter and anyone burdened by its effects would be wise to seek out some counseling and other treatment. I believe churches and faith communities are called to be aware of the level of stress felt within in our society and respond with compassion and care. 

As we move through our days, may we also remember that Jesus, who declared he came so that we might live abundant lives, is a constant beacon of hope. His promise had nothing to do with wealth, but everything to do with hope, a hope that we can all hold onto in these challenging times. Our faith tradition shows us the pathway to hope through prayer, study, worship, and acts of service and generosity.

I hope all of us will turn toward those practices now and in the future, especially when life seems more difficult or frightening than we would like. Along the way, add in some moments of solitude, time in nature, connecting with friends, and turning away from the 24-hour news cycle when it all gets to be too much. 

And please answer my texts. 


Pastor Linda 

P.S. We are collecting Snacks for Students through the middle of August. Cape Middle School teachers have always appreciated our gift of school, teaching and office supplies. They have also said they often need a snack to share with their students whenever one of them could use an emotional boost or a little more for lunch. Collection bins are in the back of the sanctuary.

Trying to discover the purpose of our lives can lead to a lot of questions. Often, the world is all too to provide answers and promises, some of which fall short. Starring August 4, we will begin to best understand the invitation to discover what it is that God wants to do with the story of our lives. 

The start of a new series is always a good time to invite someone to join you in worship. We will continue our summer worship time through August. We are in the sanctuary and online at 10:15 this summer. 

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