Looking for a place to learn more about God? Whether you are new to the Christian faith. been following Christ your entire life, or are just curious about this thing called Christianity, you are welcome to explore and grow with us. We offer a variety of small groups and would love to help you find the right one for you!
Women's Sunday Evening Small Group
Join us as we study "The Emotionally Healthy Women" from 5:30-7 PM. We are meeting September 2, 9, 16, 30. This a great opportunity to rejuvenate your life and your faith in a supportive environment. Childcare is provided for all ages.
The Life of a Single Mom
A place where no single mom walks alone. Feel overwhelmed and exhausted with the task of doing it all by yourself. Come and find support and encouragement with others and discover you are not alone. There is a free meal at 5 PM for the entire family. Small group study and discussion at 5:30 till 6:30. Childcare for all ages is provided by Safe Sanctuary certified adults.
Meeting Dates:
Sunday September 23
Sunday October 14
Sunday October 28
Sunday November 11
Sunday December 9
Monday Evening Bible Study
Monday evening Bible study with the pastor will begin September 10. We will be doing an 8 week study on the book of Revelation. Come and join us as we look into a book the reminds us of the victory we have in Christ! Meets from 7PM-8PM in the Rasche room on the second level.
We have several United Methodist Women groups for any women to participate in. The focus of UMW is missions and supporting mission work both locally and globally.
Our men's group seeks to find way to encourage and strengthen men's faith journeys. We meet a few time through out the year to learn and fellowship together. We will often take on projects around the church and community to help.